Disposition (noun):Meaning:
- A person's inherent qualities of character and temperament.
- The way something is placed or arranged, or the prevailing tendency or mood.
- His friendly disposition made it easy for him to make new friends.
- The artist's creative disposition was evident in every painting she created.
- The disposition of furniture in the room created a cozy and inviting atmosphere.
- Character, temperament, nature.
- Arrangement, placement, configuration.
- Misanthropy, malice, hostility.
- Disarrangement, disorganization, clutter.
- Positive disposition: Her positive disposition brightened everyone's day.
- Friendly disposition: His friendly disposition made him a popular colleague.
- Disposition of assets: The lawyer oversaw the legal disposition of assets after the client's passing.
- By disposition: He was calm and composed by disposition even in stressful situations.
- Dispose of: The manager needed to dispose of the excess inventory.
- In a generous disposition: She was in a generous disposition and decided to donate to charity.
- Inclined by disposition: He was inclined by disposition to help others whenever he could.
- Have a disposition for: She had a natural disposition for leadership.
- Change of disposition: The sudden success led to a change of disposition in the team.
- Pleasant disposition: Her pleasant disposition made her a joy to be around.
- Personal disposition: Each individual has their own unique personal disposition.
- Inherited disposition: Some traits are an inherited disposition from one's parents.
Word Family (adjective):
- Disposed (adjective): Inclined or willing to do something.
- Undisposed (adjective): Not inclined or willing to do something.
- Disposedly (adverb): In a manner that reflects one's disposition or inclination.